Thomas Francis Moylan


Terms served on Council

Title Council From To
Alderman Redfern 1920 1922
  • Redfern Council seal (Civic Collection 2006.032.7)

Family background

Thomas Francis Moylan was born on 4 February 1866 at Maitland, NSW, the son of Martin Moylan and Eliza Hayes. He married Emma Rebecca Pratt (1862-1947) at Casino, NSW, on 23 April 1891.

They lived at 92 Pitt Street, Redfern. Moylan died on 18 September 1939 at Annandale, NSW, aged 73 years, and was buried in the Catholic Section of Rookwood Cemetery. He left a will.

Occupation & interests

Thomas Moylan was a hotelkeeper and was the licensee of the Cricketers Rest Hotel at 92 Pitt Street, Redfern.

Redfern Council claimed in September 1920 that it was the first municipal body to adopt the principle of a 44-hour working week. It meant the discontinuance of Saturday work among Council’s employees and closing municipal offices on the weekend. Moylan, a Labor alderman, in opposing the motion, argued by adopting a 44-hour week for its workers council would be ‘saddling itself with great working expenses’.

Local government service

Thomas Moylan was an alderman on Redfern Council, representing Belmore Ward in 1920-22.


‘Municipal Elections’, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 February 1920 p.8,


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